The series revolves around Stanley Peck, the gregarious proprietor of a newsstand in a plush New York hotel. As a connoisseur and confidant to the hotel’s guests he keeps busy from basement to penthouse. His aptitude for getting involved in other people’s lives keeps him perpetually in hot water but his basic good nature almost always lands him on top restoring everyone’s faith in the common man.
The show stars Buddy Hackett as Stanley. In the 4th episode Stanley gets a girlfriend, a recurring role played by Carol Burnett. It was one of Carol’s earliest roles, and helped launch her career. The chemistry and comedy between Hackett and Burnett is classic!
The 3-disc set also includes rare bonus footage!
Audience Warm Up – From the early days of television, we offer this rare peak of what it was like just before the cameras came on and the show went out live. To have a recording of an audience warm up, especially for a show that went out live, this footage is indeed rare!
Sign Offs -At the end of each episode Buddy talks directly to his audience selling the sponsors’ product, thanking his viewers and offering observations at the end of each broadcast.
Vintage Commercials – 9 Episodes include their original commercials!
Quotes from now famous writers and cast who were just starting out!
Max Liebman first noticed Buddy Hackett in 1954 while Hackett was performing on Broadway, in Lunatics and Lovers. Max put Buddy in two television specials, and then developed STANLEY, specifically for Buddy. More than 50 years later, the series is about much more than Buddy, it’s a window into a previously “lost” chapter of the Golden Age of Television.
FIND A RISING STAR… a dedication and nod to the many fine talents that came together in the making of STANLEY.
These great talents all contributed and worked on the series:
Cast: Carol Burnett, Jane Connell, Danny Dayton, Norman Fell, Dick Gautier, Dody Goodman, Diane Ladd, Paul Lynde, Lucille Patton and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.
Writers: Woody Allen, Russell Beggs, Pat Cherr, William Freidberg, Lucille Kallen, Bill Manhoff, Neil Simon, Danny Simon, Arne Sultan and Marvin Worth
Don Pardo, the voice of NBC, announces the series.